Flourish cyclists visit Millport!

As part of our Wellbeing unit we have regular cycle rides and cycle skills sessions. A few weeks ago we took those skills on the road – all the way to Millport on the Isle of Cumbrae! A group of 11 Flourish cyclists went out to the island for the day and cycled all the way round – we’re pleased to say the only casualties were a burger and an ice cream. We asked a few members of the group to write up a short piece about their day!

James said: “Got the train at Glasgow Central from Platform 12. We lifted our bikes onto the train and we were off to Largs. When we were boarding the ferry I felt it was a sensory overload in a good way, I really liked the short trip on the ferry. When we got off on the other end I noticed a statue of a woman and a child. We cycled to a diner and had burgers and chips and a coke. And then cycled on to Millport town where we had ice creams.

I noticed there are a lot of small rocky beaches with red sandstone rocks coming out of the sand. I also saw a sandy red beach in front of Gothic old houses.

I could see Arran in the distance and Goatfell looked impressive. We passed wooden chalets facing the seafront. A Great Day Cycling.”

James’s drawing of the chalets near the beach

Here’s Neil’s account of the day: 

 “Awake at 7:00!! A bit early, but I made it.

– I got to Flourish House EARLY as well, even before Eleanor, Gary and Tony were already waiting.

-The weather was warm and sunny, exactly what we were hoping for.

– We made it from FH to Central Station through the quiet roads and met up with the rest at Central with their own bikes.

-The train journey went well. I enjoyed seeing the countryside, after Johnstone. Lochs, fields and the shoreline too!

-I was pleased that the Calmac ferries were working – toilets weren’t

-We cycled 3 miles to the first pit stop, a cafe on the west coast of Millport. It was sunny and the road was great. I had a BLT baguette with chips, everyone else had toasties or burgers and chips.

-Then we set forth to Millport where we had ice creams. Ann and I felt the second part went very quickly.

-Afterwards, we cycled on to the North back to the pier and ferry. There was quiet roads throughout. So we all enjoyed the fast part on the last leg.

-Although the ferries were frequent we missed a train back to Glasgow, So we sat on the beach for a while. Since we had already had an ice cream, we (I) skipped Nardinis. (Which was too expensive anyway)

-After getting back to Glasgow we followed the same roots as earlier in the day to get back to Flourish.”

-Happily the weather was sunny all day and everyone had fun, so hopefully we do another bicycle day trip next year. The End.”

“Taking part in cycling is fun, a good way to get around and makes you feel free!”

Eleanor and the cycling group go all over – last time they were taking to Argyll and Bute, very far away from Glasgow, but even further was the trip to the Inner Hebridean Isles close to Skye. Eleanor says “the vast open space has therapeutic value!” The leader of the cycling group also says “that it is never too late to get on with it and learn to cycle and get about. It’s a good way to get about and it’s good for you.”

Staff member and bike buff Eleanor had a great day too. She had this to say: “cycling is for everyone. It’s funded by Glasgow Life via the Fitness Funding Scheme.” For Eleanor one of the best parts is seeing how happy it makes the participants – ”watching everyone having a good time and seeing happy looks on their faces”.