Spotlight on Clubhouse Standards

We here at Flourish follow a set of 37 International Clubhouse standards which guide and inform the working of the Clubhouse. At the end of our morning meeting we read one out – our member Stuart C. has written up a blog post on the Clubhouse standards and why they are important

Flourish house is part of a wider Clubhouse Community which started in New York in 1948 with the opening of Fountain House.

As part of the Clubhouse Community certain Rules or Standards had to be adopted, There are currently 37 standards each containing various aspects of the day to day running of a Clubhouse. If a clubhouse meets all of the standards then it can be accredited.

Here is a link to the 37 standards if you want to have a look!

Every Morning at Flourish House we have a Morning Meeting where members & Staff meet to allocate tasks and read out the days schedule of activities, a member also reads out one of the clubhouse community standards at the end preceding a hearty round of applause.

Here is Neil reading out Standard 2. Neil said: First time I did it I was nervous. I must have done it a dozen times now. It helps to have something to read out, sometimes I paraphrase rather than read out the exact lines. I like reading out the standards. I think about what it says, I’ve read it a few times but I don’t really know all of what it says. Now I enjoy reading the update in the morning.

Tony U said:

“I attend the Morning meeting on Wednesdays & Fridays

I like how the meeting is all put together & I’ve been enjoying reading out the standards more each time.”

Stephen E says:

“Sometimes I read out the Standard in the morning meeting & it makes me feel good & it helps members know what’s going on in the day- It is a very Important thing to do, I’m very happy about it, it has helped me with me independence”

Tony M says:

“I like it, Its early morning & people are waking up, having coffee/tea”

Nick H said:

“It is good to keep a link with clubhouse international because people are coming out of hospital & it builds purpose & meaning to their lives.”

Gary H said:

“I enjoy the morning meeting and I enjoy reading out the standard and hearing people’s applause.”

Personally my favourite standard is:

Standard number 15: “The work-ordered day engages members and staff together, side-by-side, in the running of the Clubhouse. The Clubhouse focuses on strengths, talents and abilities; therefore, the work-ordered day must not include medication clinics, day treatment or therapy programs within the Clubhouse.”

Working together as a team with members & staff as peers.