Behind the scenes: Wellbeing!

We’re doing a series of deep-dives into the work of each unit here at Flourish and this time it’s the turn of Wellbeing and staff member Eleanor! Member Wulf interviewed Eleanor to find out what she does, why wellbeing is important in mental health recovery and, most importantly, her favourite ice cream flavour

What is your job title?

Project Worker in the Wellbeing unit.

How long have you been doing it?

I started towards the end of 2020 so 3 and a bit years.

How did you end up at Flourish House?

I came to Flourish House from The Coach House Trust (CHT) after a funding cut, I’m really lucky Flourish House kept me (thankyou!)

What were you doing before?

I studied art and sculpture in Dundee, then I moved back to Glasgow and had a few odd jobs before working at The CHT as an art tutor. I led therapeutic art groups for adults with mental ill health, learning difficulties or addiction issues.

What drew you to partake in the Wellbeing unit?

I think I just have wellbeing vibes – I think it’s really important that people take time to enjoy themselves and I love seeing people get more confident. I also think it’s important that people have access to the outdoors and are able to look after their physical health.

What does the Wellbeing unit do?

We organise activities to help people get outside, get moving, get creative and express themselves. At the moment we do : cycling, gardening at the allotment, forest craft, radio and art.

What does an average day look like for you?

I don’t really have an average day – they are all a bit different. I’m often based in the cafe but I often wander off to do something arty or radio or mucking about in the garden. I really like taking people out cycling, I do this every 2 weeks but I wish it was more. My favourite bit of the day is when we all do the Heardle together (a fun music quiz that’s become an important part of Flourish routine).

What is your biggest challenge in the role and how do you overcome it?

I think getting the radio show together in three weeks is always a challenge – but we have such a great team and people are so creative it always comes together in the end. You’ve just got to keep the faith. In the winter we’re going to do more training sessions so hopefully that makes it easier.

What is your favourite thing about working in Wellbeing?

I love how flexible it is – if someone has a fun idea we can generally make it happen. I really love doing silly things – like decorating the void, or making up cycling games and leading a smell walk. One thing that makes me really proud is when people  take up cycling outwith Flourish, I think that’s a really positive ripple effect.

Why is the work of Wellbeing important for people’s mental health?

It can help people relax and get out of their comfort zone – often at the same time – which is really impressive. When people have been unwell they often forget to look after themselves and to do things they enjoy – which is a really important part of life! People feedback it’s a great way to socialise and discover new parts of their city.

Do you ever organise trips?

Yes we do! The wellbeing unit oversees the social event  program which includes day trips. In a few weeks we’re going to Linlithgow Palace which will be a lovely day out.

What is your favourite ice cream flavour?

Pistachio or hazelnut – when they have it in my favourite cafe . Last week I had a really fun flavour – cashew and passionfruit caramel – which was wild, it was like a magnum and solero had a baby.